
Imprint/Provider Identification

The following provides mandatory data concerning the provider of this website, obligations with regard to data protection, as well as other important legal references involving the Internet site as required by German law.


The provider of this Internet site within the legal meaning of the term is Dr. Viola Priesemann


Viola Priesemann
Am Faßberg 17
37077 Göttingen
Telephone:  +49 551 5176-405
E-Mail:    info(at)

Links to Internet Sites of Third Parties

This Internet site includes links to external pages. These external links are designated as follows: External link. The respective provider shall be responsible for the contents of any linked external pages. In establishing the initial link, the provider reviewed the respective external content in order to determine whether such link entailed possible civil or criminal responsibility. However, a constant review of linked external pages is unreasonable without concrete reason to believe that a violation of the law may be involved. If the provider determines such or it is pointed out by others that an external offer to which it is connected via a link entails civil or criminal responsibility, then the provider will immediately eliminate any link to this offer. The provider expressly dissociates itself from such contents.


The header images and the layout by Dimitra Bhuiyan, Emil Iftekhar and Mareike Schildbach are licensed under CC CC0 1.0

Flag icons made by Freepik from

Texts and any other contents on our webpages are protected by copyright law, all rights reserved.